Partner with
Vinesh Sukumaran
let your organizational and individual potential flourish
Vinesh Sukumaran is a Positive Psychologist whose clientele includes corporate organizations and leaders seeking to perform at an elite world class level. He brings in unique perspective and impressive results as a Consultant for Organizational & Individual Development. At the heart of his work is one of the most remarkable human and organizational qualities called Authenticity.
The quality of being and doing things in agreement with your true self. Being real or genuine if you like. He is known as the Executive Coach of choice for CXO’s and leaders from various industries and is a sought-after consultant and trainer for large corporations.
Vinesh’s recent features on Forbes
Vinesh’s Book
Whether you’re trying to become a better leader, achieve your personal or professional aspirations, start your own venture or begin a new workout regime. What underlies any pursuit is wellbeing and the development of positive behaviour. The quest for happiness, better relationships, more effective leadership, greater meaning and a life you love. The book “From Behaviour To Wellbeing” tells you exactly what behaviors and typical behavior patterns will take you there.
We could all be the best
versions of ourselves with some
professional & expert guidance
In Vinesh, I found a person with a tremendous amount of depth and knowledge of his subject. I have imbibed a lot from his conduct both professionally and personally.

General Rajesh Sahai - Indian Army - Former Chief Of Staff - HQ Delhi Area
What clients are saying

I was coached by Vinesh for close to 6 months, helping to bring a lot of clarity in my thoughts. He has the bandwidth to coach and mentor individuals across any level of the hierarchy in any organization.
Subramanian Vasudevan – General Manager – Sales & Marketing at Garden Polymers

He had a great impact on all the participants through his influence and expertise as a Trainer and Coach. I strongly endorse Vinesh’s workshops for any Organization looking to bring in sustainable impact in Behavioural and Organizational Change.
Vijayashree Venkat – Founder & Managing Director – HumanAlpha Strategic Solutions

Vinesh has great insights into behavioural psychology which comes through in his in-depth knowledge of how adults learn and retain their learning in a training environment. It was wonderful attending his sessions and there never was a dull moment!
Suvamitra Guhathakurta – Global Training Delivery Lead at Microsoft

Vinesh is an in depth thinker who sees the big picture. His studies in positive psychology have made him uniquely positioned to understand the key to human flourishing, wellbeing, productivity and what matters in the workplace.
Kristen O’Shea, M. Ed. – Organizational Development Consultant and Speaker – O’Shea Strengths Coaching
Vinesh’s Blog

June 30, 2021 – Vinesh Sukumaran
Get in touch
If you want to schedule an organizational training, book a leadership coaching session or even just have an exploratory consulting conversation.